Updates on SINCOE project activities

The SINCOE project has been making great progress in recent months.
The novel revalidated SINCOE@ Assessment Tool and its two-rounded content validation process of expert panels was presented at the ELITE 2023 International online Conference on Engaging Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. The conference was held from 15-17 November 2023 and was hosted by Tung Wah College in Hong Kong. The presented paper is also published in the Book Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. Digital Technology, Professional Competence, and Teaching Pedagogies.
The article can be found here.
The SINCOE project was also presented in our team members article Competence in sustainable development – How to assess? in UAS Journal 2/2024. The aim of the article is to discuss the challenges assessing the generic competence of sustainable development and provide ideas and recommendations on how to develop and assess this competence, which is becoming increasingly important as a learning outcome in higher education.
In addition, work has been carried out to disseminate the results of the project through various multiplier events. For example, the Turku UAS team had a successful workshop at the national Inssiforum event in March 2024. The workshop was attended by more than 40 developers and experts in engineering education.
Moreover, the SINCOE project has continued to make progress with its second round of pilots in the spring term. The pilots have been conducted in various authentic courses with different target groups and multiple viewpoints in fields of Media, Design, Engineering, Business, Marketing and Social Sciences. These pilots have been instrumental in the development of the toolbox and training materials for the SINCOE project. Stay tuned for more updates on the SINCOE project!