Need analysis finalised

We are pleased to be inform that the project’s first work package (R1) is now finished. The results include reviewing the existing state of art and need analyses made by partner organisations, the basis of the roadmap, and the re-validated SINCOE@ Assessment Tool.
Key findings from the need analysis:
The need analysis was based on over 50 expert and almost 30 student interviews, expert self-reflections and observations including project data, document and literature reviews as well as two expert workshops with 30 participants.
The need analyses showed that online education raises new didactic questions; related to the different stages of the online educating process, from the creation of prerequisites, teaching and learning activities, monitoring and assessing.
The findings highlight the following important main areas, to focus on, when operating in an online environment:
- Network technologies
- Students’ motivation
- Activating teaching methods
- Atmosphere
- Uniformity of etiquettes & online standards
- Individual factors
Additionally, in total eight common needs or challenges were pointed out on identifying, assessing and developing innovation competences in online learning situations.
- Accepting and adapting to the new methods and (learning) strategies of online education (teachers and students)
- Understanding the significance of innovation competences and motivate to use them in online teaching and learning (teachers and students)
- Updating the skill requirements and support to achieve new (digital) competences and skills (teachers and students)
- Activating learning and teaching methods to involve and motivate students
- Efficient assessment methods and tools to involve and motivate students
- Creating interactive and friendly atmosphere
- Comprehensive course designing to integrate innovation competences (or dimensions) efficiently into online implementation taking into account different target groups (fields, young/old students, different learners)
- Efficient technical solutions; e.g., equal technical conditions, improving technical usability and learning analytic possibilities of tools
These findings are framing the selection of pilots and testing as well as the development targets.