How are Innovation skills learned in online and hybrid education?

Webinar – Introducing materials and assessment tools for teachers & researchers created by the SINCOE project
The current working life expects higher education graduates to develop innovation competencies, no matter what subject they have studied. This means that the students should learn how to come up with new ideas, improve existing processes, and adapt to changes. By developing these skills, students can add value to their future workplaces and make a positive impact on the world around them.
But how can these skills be taught, especially in online and hybrid education? In the Erasmus+ funded SINCOE project, we have collaborated to apply innovation pedagogy in online, blended, and distance learning. As a result of the project, we have created materials useful for all teachers working in online education: an assessment tool, a training package, and a toolbox to help develop innovation competencies. All these materials will be available for free on our website.
The SINCOE project group invites you to join our webinar to learn how to use these materials. We will provide inspiring examples from our pilots and explain how to utilize our toolbox.
The programme is designed for teachers interested in integrating innovation competencies into their teaching, as well as researchers and other stakeholders interested in the topic.
Join the webinar by registering here:
The participation link and a detailed programmed will be sent to participants closer to the event.
NB! The times in the programme are in CET (In Finland and EET time zone the programme starts at 12).
11:00-11:15 Welcome and introduction to the project (project leader Meiju Keinänen, Turku UAS)
11:15-12:00 Results of the project:
- Using the validated SINCOE assessment tool to identify, assess and develop innovation competences (Meiju Keinänen, Turku UAS)
- Training for Self-Assessment (Christiane Stange, HAW)
- How can teachers benefit from SINCOE toolbox in digital learning environments? (Juan Antonio Marín García, UPV)
12:00-12:10 Break
12:10-12:50 Practical and inspiring cases:
- Social and Environmental Innovation Challenge (Beatriz García Ortega, UPV)
- Simultaneous hybrid course to increase initiative and creativity (Johanna Ailio, Turku UAS)
- Game on Biases in Self-Assessment (Helmut Helker, HAW)
12:50-13:00 Questions and comments
13:00 Closing the webinar